2/17/08 We head to be with my father. Heart surgery in Pittsburgh on 2/20. Hoping to do a few Open Soaks while away as well. Our fearless house-sitter & guard-doggies will be in residence while we are away. What an ENORMOUS blessing they have been to us over these past 6 months.
Pray for miracles of healing, open doors that no man can shut, joy in the journey for us all......I love all of you who take the time to read these updates. You are in my heart AND thank you to the "anonymous giver" who paid for my recent furnace repair bill. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Love, Mimi & the kids
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Ten days of Prayer in historic Northfield, MA
(Bobby & I led worship for part of this last year :) This year it is on what would have been his 51st birthday.
Announcing the 10 Days of Prayer, Northfield—May 1-11th 2008
Acts 1:4 “And gathering them together He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father. . .”
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Have you ever wondered, “What would happen if Christians just dropped everything and sought God’s face with one mind?” How would Christ respond to this united outpouring of love from His Bride?
Before the first Pentecost, Jesus commanded His followers “to wait for the promise of the Father.” The first believers were faithful to Jesus’ command and waited together “with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer” over a span of 10 days. When the day of Pentecost came, the Holy Spirit filled those who had gathered and the Church of Jesus Christ was born.
God desires this Church, born on Pentecost Sunday, to “grow into a holy temple”, a dwelling place for God Himself (Eph 2:22). One of the biggest obstacles to God’s plan is the busyness and worldly preoccupation of the Church. In order for God to get what He wants, it is essential for us to agree with God, to give Christ the attention He deserves, to hand over our “precious time”, and embrace rest in the new wineskins that God has introduced for this season.
Today, at this crucial hour in history, God has raised up the largest prayer movement in history, the Global Day of Prayer, which has gathered over 200 million for prayer each Pentecost since 2005 (www.globaldayofprayer.com). As a part of this global movement, God is also calling many in New England to follow His first disciples and consecrate the 10 days before Pentecost to seek his face (www.10days.net ).
In the fall of 2006, God said to me: “Call 120 to pray for the 10 days leading up to Pentecost”. Providentially, God confirmed His word by sending 122 people over the course of the first 10 Days Northfield. 15 prayer missionaries prayed and stayed the entire 10 days, experiencing the presence of God and the unity of the Spirit in living Christian community. As one participant said, “There was a degree of unity in Christ that I did not realize was possible before heaven.” We all sensed God’s pleasure in the gathering, and God’s joy overflowed into miracles and sweet fellowship among the Saints.
It is my joy to invite you to join us in seeking God’s face at Northfield from May 1-11, 2008. Please visit our website (www.10days.net ) to see video and written testimony about last year and also to register, donate, or find out more about the 10 Days. We hope to meet you at Northfield this year.
In Holy Expectation,
Jonathan Friz
Announcing the 10 Days of Prayer, Northfield—May 1-11th 2008
Acts 1:4 “And gathering them together He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father. . .”
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Have you ever wondered, “What would happen if Christians just dropped everything and sought God’s face with one mind?” How would Christ respond to this united outpouring of love from His Bride?
Before the first Pentecost, Jesus commanded His followers “to wait for the promise of the Father.” The first believers were faithful to Jesus’ command and waited together “with one mind, continually devoting themselves to prayer” over a span of 10 days. When the day of Pentecost came, the Holy Spirit filled those who had gathered and the Church of Jesus Christ was born.
God desires this Church, born on Pentecost Sunday, to “grow into a holy temple”, a dwelling place for God Himself (Eph 2:22). One of the biggest obstacles to God’s plan is the busyness and worldly preoccupation of the Church. In order for God to get what He wants, it is essential for us to agree with God, to give Christ the attention He deserves, to hand over our “precious time”, and embrace rest in the new wineskins that God has introduced for this season.
Today, at this crucial hour in history, God has raised up the largest prayer movement in history, the Global Day of Prayer, which has gathered over 200 million for prayer each Pentecost since 2005 (www.globaldayofprayer.com). As a part of this global movement, God is also calling many in New England to follow His first disciples and consecrate the 10 days before Pentecost to seek his face (www.10days.net ).
In the fall of 2006, God said to me: “Call 120 to pray for the 10 days leading up to Pentecost”. Providentially, God confirmed His word by sending 122 people over the course of the first 10 Days Northfield. 15 prayer missionaries prayed and stayed the entire 10 days, experiencing the presence of God and the unity of the Spirit in living Christian community. As one participant said, “There was a degree of unity in Christ that I did not realize was possible before heaven.” We all sensed God’s pleasure in the gathering, and God’s joy overflowed into miracles and sweet fellowship among the Saints.
It is my joy to invite you to join us in seeking God’s face at Northfield from May 1-11, 2008. Please visit our website (www.10days.net ) to see video and written testimony about last year and also to register, donate, or find out more about the 10 Days. We hope to meet you at Northfield this year.
In Holy Expectation,
Jonathan Friz
Global Day of Prayer 2008,
Jonathan Frizz,
May 2008,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
New prose about Bobby by Sandy (Pasqualone) Cooper
the tattered and torn
the ones God adorns
with his mercy
if all could see into the broken like he
this world would be filled with all his lovelies
few understand,the angels we toil with
they teach us the lessons our spirits need
but oh how cold this world is to our imperfect lovelies
they tear them to shreds with the judgements and careless ways
oh teach us dear God to walk and sit with your imperfect lovelies
so we too can be all we were meant to be
no not that we are better or finer gold then anyone else
just let us truly love and sit and lay with the imperfect just like me.
give us your heart and eyes to see,and listen to the wisdom they have to teach.
let us love each others' imperfections before it is too late,and they go with you and leave us to fate.
by Sandy Cooper
the ones God adorns
with his mercy
if all could see into the broken like he
this world would be filled with all his lovelies
few understand,the angels we toil with
they teach us the lessons our spirits need
but oh how cold this world is to our imperfect lovelies
they tear them to shreds with the judgements and careless ways
oh teach us dear God to walk and sit with your imperfect lovelies
so we too can be all we were meant to be
no not that we are better or finer gold then anyone else
just let us truly love and sit and lay with the imperfect just like me.
give us your heart and eyes to see,and listen to the wisdom they have to teach.
let us love each others' imperfections before it is too late,and they go with you and leave us to fate.
by Sandy Cooper
imperfect lovelies,
Sandy Cooper,
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I memorized his face....
Written by Mimi Caban
February 13, 2008
(please do not copy or distribute without the author’s written permission)
I memorized his face the day he died
when he was still warm & soft & Bob
I took my time
I lingered there
in the ER
alone with him
soft & warm & still
I closed my eyes & memorized his face with my hands
with my fingers
the roundness of his cheeks
the softness of his skin
the depressions under his beautiful brown eyes
from lack of sleep
so much excitement & work
leading up to that day
that day
I lingered there
they let me have time
if I had more time
I would memorize every facet of the man
I called lover friend warrior opponent friend mine us ours always
it was supposed to be always
not now
not like this
I think I kissed him that day
I hope I did
before he was soft & warm & still
before he was gone
I remember his arm around me in that store
the store I can’t even look at anymore
how can a store have that power over me
over us
a parking lot
I hate them all for they mark the place
the day
the moment
he fell
became still
became soft & warm & gone
I memorized his face with my lips
with kisses
I wanted to ingest every part of him
they gave me time
I was allowed all the time I needed which could never be enough
I needed more time
to fight with him
to make love
to raise our kids
it wasn’t enough
we were just getting started
it is never enough
how could it be
I memorized his face the day he died
I loved that face
I found a scalpel in the room
I cut his hair
I put it in my pocket in a glove
I was desperate to take him home with me
in my pocket
his hair
did you ever touch his hair
hair that was straightened
with great effort & vanity
in his youth
hair that looked wiry
but was soft as a kitten
he was soft as a kitten
he was not an unfeeling man
not a fierce man
a kitten
too tender & kind for the viciousness of this world
of musicians & teachers & parents who betrayed him
of those who didn’t get it
didn’t get him
didn’t have the courage to love & forgive & walk higher
as he did
I saw it
so often
the higher road in this man who lived a lower still life
I will not idolize the man
I love him and know his frame
I know that he was frail & clay & broken
he was also strong & brave & wonderful
a laugh waiting to happen
arms to hold me through any dark day
the fastest hands I’ve ever seen
I memorized his hands on the day he died
the left slightly wrinkled & discolored from electrocution so long ago
I wish he had told more people about that miracle of the hand of God
thirty feet up
saving his life
at age 13
by why not 50
where was His hand at age 50?
I memorized my man the day he died
the man I had looked at so many times
in love
in anger
in wonder
in awe
in hope for great things
for our destinies
I placed my face on his face
my lips on his cheek
by body on his body
that day
they gave me time
all the time in the world
not enough time
I tried
to take
him home
I called to his spirit
to reenter his body
his heart began to beat
we were electrified into action
I called
he heard me
I know he did
like life
bob? Bob? BOBBY? Can you hear me?
What are you DOing?
Would you PLEASE come here?!
I need your help
What were you doing?
What took you so long?
WHAT are you doing? Can’t you HEAR me?!
So frustrated
so many times
I was
wanting him to come
to HEAR me
I believed that day
the day he died
I was like a child who just KNEW santa claus was coming
that their dad was invincible
that teachers lived inside the schoolbuildings & never went home
I knew all these things
based on stories
and meeting dead men raised up
and my own insides churning
I didn’t have to try to believe
I just did
and he didn’t come
and yet I believed
I memorized my life the day he died
I memorized my future the day he died
like multiplications tables
and spelling bee words
and lines in a script for a dry run through
I memorized facts & figures to guard my heart
I memorized
I memorized
I lingered
I hoped
I longed
I cried
I died the day he died
February 13, 2008
(please do not copy or distribute without the author’s written permission)
I memorized his face the day he died
when he was still warm & soft & Bob
I took my time
I lingered there
in the ER
alone with him
soft & warm & still
I closed my eyes & memorized his face with my hands
with my fingers
the roundness of his cheeks
the softness of his skin
the depressions under his beautiful brown eyes
from lack of sleep
so much excitement & work
leading up to that day
that day
I lingered there
they let me have time
if I had more time
I would memorize every facet of the man
I called lover friend warrior opponent friend mine us ours always
it was supposed to be always
not now
not like this
I think I kissed him that day
I hope I did
before he was soft & warm & still
before he was gone
I remember his arm around me in that store
the store I can’t even look at anymore
how can a store have that power over me
over us
a parking lot
I hate them all for they mark the place
the day
the moment
he fell
became still
became soft & warm & gone
I memorized his face with my lips
with kisses
I wanted to ingest every part of him
they gave me time
I was allowed all the time I needed which could never be enough
I needed more time
to fight with him
to make love
to raise our kids
it wasn’t enough
we were just getting started
it is never enough
how could it be
I memorized his face the day he died
I loved that face
I found a scalpel in the room
I cut his hair
I put it in my pocket in a glove
I was desperate to take him home with me
in my pocket
his hair
did you ever touch his hair
hair that was straightened
with great effort & vanity
in his youth
hair that looked wiry
but was soft as a kitten
he was soft as a kitten
he was not an unfeeling man
not a fierce man
a kitten
too tender & kind for the viciousness of this world
of musicians & teachers & parents who betrayed him
of those who didn’t get it
didn’t get him
didn’t have the courage to love & forgive & walk higher
as he did
I saw it
so often
the higher road in this man who lived a lower still life
I will not idolize the man
I love him and know his frame
I know that he was frail & clay & broken
he was also strong & brave & wonderful
a laugh waiting to happen
arms to hold me through any dark day
the fastest hands I’ve ever seen
I memorized his hands on the day he died
the left slightly wrinkled & discolored from electrocution so long ago
I wish he had told more people about that miracle of the hand of God
thirty feet up
saving his life
at age 13
by why not 50
where was His hand at age 50?
I memorized my man the day he died
the man I had looked at so many times
in love
in anger
in wonder
in awe
in hope for great things
for our destinies
I placed my face on his face
my lips on his cheek
by body on his body
that day
they gave me time
all the time in the world
not enough time
I tried
to take
him home
I called to his spirit
to reenter his body
his heart began to beat
we were electrified into action
I called
he heard me
I know he did
like life
bob? Bob? BOBBY? Can you hear me?
What are you DOing?
Would you PLEASE come here?!
I need your help
What were you doing?
What took you so long?
WHAT are you doing? Can’t you HEAR me?!
So frustrated
so many times
I was
wanting him to come
to HEAR me
I believed that day
the day he died
I was like a child who just KNEW santa claus was coming
that their dad was invincible
that teachers lived inside the schoolbuildings & never went home
I knew all these things
based on stories
and meeting dead men raised up
and my own insides churning
I didn’t have to try to believe
I just did
and he didn’t come
and yet I believed
I memorized my life the day he died
I memorized my future the day he died
like multiplications tables
and spelling bee words
and lines in a script for a dry run through
I memorized facts & figures to guard my heart
I memorized
I memorized
I lingered
I hoped
I longed
I cried
I died the day he died
Monday, February 11, 2008
Booking "Open Soaks", Healing Concerts....
and other assorted prophetic/musical/artistic extravaganzas :) I will be in Pennsylvania & Ohio 2/17 until possibly March 5th. I am booking events in that area during those dates. If you or someone you know in that area would like to have me come, have them contact me via email opensoaks@juno.com
I am also booking events in the New England area & Northeast & if possible after the MOW Missions conference in Columbia, SC. That means I will avaiable in the southern states (SC, NC, VA, WV DC area) AFTER March 15th. I have lots of references & testimonies if needed. Just sensing it is time to step back out into the current of the River. With great love, Mimi
I am also booking events in the New England area & Northeast & if possible after the MOW Missions conference in Columbia, SC. That means I will avaiable in the southern states (SC, NC, VA, WV DC area) AFTER March 15th. I have lots of references & testimonies if needed. Just sensing it is time to step back out into the current of the River. With great love, Mimi
open soaks,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
(my/our) old band Emerald Vein May 17th Stroudsburg, PA
Emerald Vein May 17th Stroudsburg, PA wooohoooooo
Mark it down. Emerald Vein (Bob Young, myself, Jeff Reid/piano, Tony Green!!!!!!/bass & others) are reuniting for major wonderful, mystical musical event May 17th in eastern PA. come. be. blissed. always. in all ways.
you can do searches for Emerald Vein (formerly with Sub Rosa Records Belgium) & check out our music as it was lifted from the vinyl. yes VINYL. :)
i want to meet you face to face :) more details coming come. come. come.
Mark it down. Emerald Vein (Bob Young, myself, Jeff Reid/piano, Tony Green!!!!!!/bass & others) are reuniting for major wonderful, mystical musical event May 17th in eastern PA. come. be. blissed. always. in all ways.
you can do searches for Emerald Vein (formerly with Sub Rosa Records Belgium) & check out our music as it was lifted from the vinyl. yes VINYL. :)
i want to meet you face to face :) more details coming come. come. come.
Emerald Vein,
May 2008,
Mimi Caban,
Friday, February 1, 2008
onlybelieve.tv new site launch by good friend Jeff Cooper
Filmmaker, photographer, producer, musician, daddy, husband & good friend Jeff Cooper is about to launch this new site onlybelieve.tv It is a place like myspace & youtube but CLEAN. We just signed up & Jeffrey made a personal video message to encourage the kids & I on a night when we are missing Bobby so much. YEA!!!! What a great thing to use this technology for.
So go check it out & support them men of God in this new venture!
So go check it out & support them men of God in this new venture!
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