Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Garden Party/Tribute to Bobby Invitation

You are invited to Square Foot Gardening Party: A New Start
Saturday May 10, 2008
Beginning at 10:00am
At the home of Mimi, Michael & Hadassah Caban

Bobby was born on May 10, 1957. He would have been 51 years old this year. Anticipating that this day may be a difficult one for myself & the kids, I’ve decided to honor his life with something that will bring life continually: create a small garden in our yard.

I’ve chosen the square foot gardening method because it seems so incredibly easy (something Bobby would have loved!), it’s something Michael & Hadassah can participate in & something that can be added to as the seasons go by.

I once held a garden party in Milford MA to celebrate coming through some very difficult seasons of life. Folks came with plants & gardening tools & smiles & we dug & created something wonderful & lasting.

This time there’s no digging involved! BUT I would love you all to come & pitch in. I especially need a few folks with a little more experience than me (none) in building a 4 X 4 frame for each garden section. Two at the most.

This is the list of specific items we will need on May 10th:

food to share for cooking out
tables & chairs for out side
wood: 8 pieces of 4 foot 2 X 6 inch boards
12 pieces of 6 foot wood lath boards
weed cloth: 2 pieces a bit larger than a 4 foot by 4 foot area
wood screws
a power drill to borrow
large coarse thread deck crews
6 cubic feet compost made of 5 different types of compost: we can mix it here
6 cubic feet of peat moss
6 cubic feet of vermiculite
your hammer
seeds & plants: I prefer organic NON GMO of veggies, flowers, herbs & things that attract butterflies. A different type of seed or plant will be grown in each square foot section of the gardens. There will be 32 sections total if we build 2 frames. Enough for our family to enjoy & for Michael to set up a little roadside farmstand to sell flowers, tomatoes, herbs etc :)
garden gloves

because this is such a specific list, I will need to know what you are bringing if anything so I can check it off of my list :) Thanks! I really hope those of you who read this can come :) Mimi

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